Sunday, October 10, 2010


You know as I sit here in front of my computer considering what to type, my mind is full of worry about the things I need to do, the things I want to do and the things that have happen to me. It has been hard for me to focus this week, especially this weekend with everything that has happen to me personally, but as I worry about these things I reflect back upon my life and look at everything that I have overcome and realize that at any point in my life I could have ended up in a totally different place than I am right now. I have done things in my life that I am not proud of, I have hurt people, I have lost LOVE and love ones and I have been back stabbed and used. I am saying all this not to gain sympathy or for a pat on the back for my superficial accomplishments. I am saying this because now that I am thinking about my life, I wonder about yours. I know we have all been through trials and tribulation; we have all experienced heartache and pain. We all have our own stories to tell and experiences to share with the world. Let your experiences inspire those around you so they can be better then what they have been. Teach them to learn from YOUR mistakes. Educate them beyond the books. Show them the love that the world is missing so they can multiple it and inspire generations to come. Remember this LIFE thing is bigger then us all.


  1. Nice post Future Dr. Smith!!!!

    I think what you are speaking of is called "a testimony or your testimony". I think things happen to us within our lives because of two reasons: things we bring into our lives and things God brings to us or allows us to go through. We all have a destiny and it is up to us how we reaach that destination. Often we deviate, hence the things we bring into our lives. The deviation typically brings miseray and strife because we have gotten out of Gods order (but never out of His grace!!!) On the other hand, God sends us through things to mold us to what He designed us to be. Just as the potter puts the clay in the kiln, lets it sit in the kiln for a specific amount of time and then brings it out. Once out of the kiln, the pottery is a beautiful piece of art. Had the potter not placed the clay in the kiln, the clay would never become what the potter created it to be. God does the same to us. Sometimes God has to put us in the fire (trials and tribulations), leave us there for a minute, and if we learn to humble ourselves, listen, be still and pray; then we come out of the fire and are the beautiful artworks God designed us to be. We then bless God (and others)by telling our stories - our testimonies - to those who walk both beside us and behind us. As we grow wiser, we learn to reflect on our lives and learn to "love our lives" because they have shaped who we are.

  2. I agree with Lakesha that had the potter ot placed the clay in the kiln it would never become what the potter created it to be. It is easy to get overwhelmed in the creation process. My prayers are with you.

  3. First of all, I can relate...I am sure many of us can. The stories of our hearts are comprised of many emotions. I have had to have a talk with God for some of the obstacles he allowed me to face and though I do not know all of the reasons why - I know they were all a part of his plan.

    You are right - the love of the world is missing. I believe in my heart that one of my greatest gifts - is to love others. I received that gift through a lot of heartache and pain. It is amazing how the negative situations we face can change us for the better. We can teach others Jason! Thanks for breaking down the walls and sharing on such a personal level!

  4. Thanks for inspiring me tonight, Jason!
