Sunday, October 24, 2010

The choice to choose.

In Dr Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning, one of the main premisis of the book is our choice to respond to any situation no matter how difficult it maybe. The one thing that can never be taken from us is our choice to choose our response. We can be stripped of everything, dignity, wealth, food, family and love but we still have the choice to respond with a positive outlook knowing that as bad as things are they can always be worst. Have you ever seen someone laugh when you know they are in pain? Have you seen them smile when their world is crumbling around them. It is people like that that I believe have truly embraced the meaning of life. What have you seen in your experiences either personal or professional that makes this ring true to you?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Enjoying it all and looking forward to the furture.

After our session Thursday with Dr. Bawcom, I am even more excited about our program now then I was when I was first accepted into the program. I have drawn so many parallels between Dr. Bawcom's career journey and mine. He let me know that it is ok not to always be the "life of the party. " I know I have a long ways to go before I reach his status and accomplish even a fraction of what he has accomplished. As he stated numerous times during his presentation success is about being in the right place, at the right time and knowing the right people. I know our program is the right place; we are going through it at the right time and you all are definitely the right people to know. I am really enjoying taking this journey with you all.  God Bless.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

response to Keith Morgans post

I also could not post on Keiths page so I am going to post my response here.
Love it!!!

That resistance to change mentality is not just at your level it happens at the University level as well. Faculty (at least my university) is really resistant to anything that will take them out of their comfort zone. I do believe that as the digital-aged student mature and replace our current faculty positions over the next few decades this resistance will diminish and change for the better will become more acceptable. Let’s pray it happens like that.


You know as I sit here in front of my computer considering what to type, my mind is full of worry about the things I need to do, the things I want to do and the things that have happen to me. It has been hard for me to focus this week, especially this weekend with everything that has happen to me personally, but as I worry about these things I reflect back upon my life and look at everything that I have overcome and realize that at any point in my life I could have ended up in a totally different place than I am right now. I have done things in my life that I am not proud of, I have hurt people, I have lost LOVE and love ones and I have been back stabbed and used. I am saying all this not to gain sympathy or for a pat on the back for my superficial accomplishments. I am saying this because now that I am thinking about my life, I wonder about yours. I know we have all been through trials and tribulation; we have all experienced heartache and pain. We all have our own stories to tell and experiences to share with the world. Let your experiences inspire those around you so they can be better then what they have been. Teach them to learn from YOUR mistakes. Educate them beyond the books. Show them the love that the world is missing so they can multiple it and inspire generations to come. Remember this LIFE thing is bigger then us all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Self-filling prophecy

In Leading with Soul, Boulman and Deal (p.88) wrote that if you show people you do not care, they would return the favor.  Show them you care about them, they might surprise you. I find this statement is similar to that of a self-filling prophecy.  I have found that when I expect my staff to fail they normally do and when I encourage them and show them that I care about their efforts and circumstances that they supersede levels previously reached