Sunday, November 7, 2010

26 in 3

Capacity building, not judgmentalism, is a hill-climbing secret. The formula is simple, but difficult to implement: start by taking the stigma out of the picture, and let pressure do its far more powerful work through the actions and interactions of the six secrets. The pressure that results from our secrets is more organically built into cultures. When peers interact purposefully, their expectations of one another create positive pressure to accomplish goals important to the group. (Fullan 2008, p.63)

I think this describes Cohort 4. Our goal is for UMHB to graduate 26 doctors in 3 years (well about 2.5 years now). That is positive pressure. I know I do not want to let you all down and I believe you all feel that same type of positive pressure. That is why we work so diligently and purposefully to complete our assignments.  I know this journey will be a bumpy as life may get in the way but we will weather is storm together and "all 26" of us will have the honor of calling each other Dr. (place your name here). Remember to claim it as yours in Gods name. See you all in a couple of weeks.


  1. Dr. Smith, what wonderful words of affirmation. I thought about you guys while I was in Baltimore last week. I proudly wore my UMHB Doctoral shirt my first day out. I had several people ask me about the school and the program. I was proud to say, "I am a Crusader". You are right, we are under positive pressure to achieve. I find myself motivated by you guys even when you are not around. When I have those moments of procrastination and laziness, I say to myself, "you got to get up and get going. You know the other 25 ain't putting up with quitting." I am so grateful for you guys. Thanks for the words of encouragement. See ya next week!!!

  2. You have both motivated me tonight!!

  3. Positive words of encouragement- Thanks Dr. Smith!

  4. Thank you for the positive reminder.........I am at awe with your friendship and am with Beth in saying you both inspire me!

  5. One of the doctoral students in a cohort ahead of you passed his final oral defense of his dissertation this week. How exciting it was on our hall when the committee called him hack in and called him Dr. Can't you just visualize it?

  6. Jason,
    I also liked Fullan's Secret Three. Besides avoiding judgementalism, Fullan (2007) said you work on capacity building by "attracting talented people" and "help them continually develop individually and collectively on the job" (p. 63). Fullan integrates a systems approach to keep good employees and to treat them in a professional manner.

    I particulary liked your comment about claiming our name in God's name. As my preacher said on Sunday, anything you have that is good (home, job, title, etc.) thank God for it. When we achieve the status of doctor, we can thank God for it. When I pray, I pray for our cohort and I lay this program before Him and know my finishing is not possible without Him.

  7. "When peers interact purposefully, their expectations of one another create positive pressure to accomplish goals important to the group".

    This qoute speaks volumes to me as I reflect on the math department at my school. Ever since our current department took over four years ago, the comraderie in the math department has plummeted. "Attitude reflects leadership!" - Julius from Remember the Titans.

    Often when some of us who are close get together, the conversations seem to focus on all the negativity as opposed to the positive. Though things are rough, we have vowed to do our best to have a positive attitude about whats going on and things appear to have gotten better. Rather than complain, we continue to remind ourselves that our goal is to educate the kids.

    And yes we all will graduate May 2013! Ladies, lets get our red pumps!!! You too Dr. Kemp!!!

    Great post (The Future) Dr. Smith!
